We've been doing some major spring cleaning at our house. It feels so GOOD to get rid of stuff. I've saved receipts, checks, taxes, etc. since we were married almost 30 years ago. I know...I only need 7 years worth of taxes, right? I think I had an irrational fear of getting audited. I had a burn party on Sunday. I took 20 years of that stuff and burned it. I figured it would take forever to shred it all, and it was a cold morning anyway, so why not burn?
Everytime we move we dejunk a little more. When we moved here to St. George I downsized to half the house and got rid of so much stuff. (1/2 a house of furniture, too) Do you know that I haven't missed a thing? It helped me realize that all our "things" really aren't that important. (except our quilts, of course!)
I see you've been busy renovating... Good for you! Something we have in our near future to do too...
You Valentine quilt is wonderful Carrie! Great charm pack combo! 8-)
That must have been a very toasty fire for a while... lol!
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