Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I tried to grow some Easter grass but started too late. Thank goodness Bekkah's mom grew some to share with us. I love how it brings spring into the house! I think a basket of grass is going to be an annual Easter decoration for me now.
This is Easter Merry Christmas in Utah. Yuppers...we woke up to a few inches of snow.

We had the annual family egg hunt Saturday after the first session of conference. Nann and Tracy did all the work. We had egg salad sandwiches...YUM! Brooke was in the hospital last week with an infection. She's back to her happy self again...thank goodness.
Jack loved getting the eggs. Such a handsome little man.

Jayda stopped long enough to show me her egg.

Brandon grabbed his eggs fast so he could snack on some.
Eden always pulls a funny face at me whenever I get out the camera...silly girl!


Nedra said...

Those grandbabies make Easter so special. Have a wonderful day, snow and all.

Kathy said...

Eater grass is an awesome idea! How early do you have to start it? The egg hunt was fun for the kids. I love how the picture of Eden has Mom's quilt in the background. I guess it just gave more spots for eggs to hide.

If you have any pictures with my kids will you email them to me? My camera battery was dead!