I know I've mentioned several times on my blog that purple is my favorite color. I was looking through quilt magazines last week for inspiration. I came across an ad in one for Alzheimer's Awareness. Guess what color they chose for this disease? Purple. I though it was fitting. I'm forever losing things, forgetting where I parked the car, what people tell me, etc. I set the magazine aside to take a picture of the ad for my blog and -- you guessed it -- I can't find it anywhere.

I worked on my pretzel quilt today and got the main part put together. Now I need to make the borders. It's taking a lot more time than I thought it would. While I was sewing I watched Twilight. I've only read the first two books. Jaycee keeps bugging me to read the next two books.

I bought a few books to read today. I used to be an avid reader until quilting took over my life. I think I do most of my reading now on road trips -- which don't happen often enough! I am so ready for a vacation. I'd really like to go to California and walk on a beach.....sigh.
I love your pretzel quilt. It's one that I have put on my line up. The books look fun too. I'm like you, I don't read like I used to. Sometimes I go in spurts, and read, read, read, and then quilt, quilt, quilt.
I love your pretzel quilt! I don't think I have see that patter before! Could you give me the name/place to find that pattern plz.... 8-)
The color purple... I should where it all the time! My memory is like a sieve! Hope you find what you lost! 8-)
I wish I could read... I haven't read a novel in about 4-5 years now. I just don't have the concentration for it... I have 3 books waiting to be read.... 8-(
Happy stitchings!
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