I love the blossoms on our apple tree. We have two trees in the backyard, one covered with blossoms and the other with only a handful of flowers. It has been the same for the last few years. Do trees go through menopause??

The lilac bushes are starting to bloom too. It smells so good in the backyard.

The chickens continue to grow. We named them Izzy and Ava. They really do have personalities. I wasn't expecting that. They love it when we let them out to run around on the grass. Gary and Jaycee built this cage a few weeks ago. We still have them in the garage most of the time since it has been cold at night. We still need to build a bigger area for them that's all caged in.

And now the important stuff -- quilting. I haven't had time to sew much lately. Here's the finished baby quilt. Kind of a bad picture -- but I was too lazy to retake it. I went in my sewing room to sew last night and was distracted by the thread and fabric scraps all over the floor. I had to vacuum and clean before I could create. Then I didn't have time to do much. Oh well.....at least my room is clean.
Your baby quilt turned out wonderful! I think you should be proud.
The chickens are huge, even bigger than last time I saw them only 2 weeks ago!
What a great cage for the chickens! 8-)
The baby quilt turned out lovely! Very nice! 8-)
Now that your room is cleaned up you should be sewing up a storm... lol!
Happy stitchings!
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