Thursday, July 23, 2009

A rough few days.....

Jared called Wednesday night and I could hear the panic in his voice - something you never want to hear. He dropped the other 2 kids off and had to hurry to the hospital. BrookLynn had gotten a fever and turned yellow. They did a CT scan and they found an a big abscess in her liver. They were going to fly her up to Primary Children's hospital, but she stabilized so they kept her here, and the surgeons came down to see her yesterday. They are hoping the abscess goes away with the antibiotics so they won't have to do surgery. It's a staph infection, probably from when they put in the umbilical catheter when she was born.
I went to see her this afternoon. The nurse said she had a really rough morning. They put a PICC line in her little foot. I watched her sleep for a few minutes. She made faces that looked like she was in pain and would almost cry. . .so hard to see in such a little one. I gently touched her tiny foot. I held back my tears until I got in my car.
Quilting has been put on hold. I can't believe how busy 2-year-olds are. I don't remember my own kids wearing me out so much. I hate to admit it, but I know it's my age. When I see stories in the news about older women having babies I wonder if they have totally lost their minds!!


Dena said...

I'm with you on having babies when you're older. I don't think I could do it now. My grandkids can wear me out, but I do love being around them

I know how stressful it can be when you're worried about those little babies. I want to cry every time little Raegan gets sick, and I don't cry! We'll keep all of you in our prayers.

Nedra said...

Hi Carrie
I just got home after being out to town and read about your grand daughter. I hope all is well with the antibiotics. How frightening for your family. My prayers are with you.