Friday, April 20, 2012

week from.....

H....E...double Hockey Sticks!!!  We finished moving most of our things from our house to the storage unit and to Nann's house where we will be living for a few months.  I started a new work schedule -- right smack dab in the middle of the day and evening -- and a new account for the third time in a month.  Don't know how much more change at work my brain can take.  Not so sure about my new job, but that's probably because I loved my old job so much.  I locked my dog, Molly, in the car with my keys, purse, and phone.  Thank goodness Jamie came to the rescue and took me across town to Nann's for the spare set.  Good thing that it was a cool day so Molly didn't roast.  Then tax day evening I was doing the taxes on line.  Got to the end where you print out the forms...because you have to pay both.  Some how I deleted EVERYTHING and had to start over from the beginning.  Gary had to run them to the post office at 11:30 at night while I finished work.  STRESS    Then Jodi was jogging by our house and the neighbor's dog bit her.  We went down to be with her while animal control took the report.  They quarntined the dog for 10 days and the owner's have to go to court  That dog scares me so bad.  It has come after me when I get the mail or take out the trash.  It has chased Jonny when he tried to work on his car in the driveway.  I can't tell you how many blood curdling screams we have heard from people being chased by it.  Anyway...her poor leg looks horrible.  It broke the skin and really bruised it bad. It's just little things, bad mood, and stress.  Here's to next week being an awesome one.

Day after the bite.

1 comment:

Gari in AL said...

Sounds like you need an awesome week, here's to it!