Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby Chick Update

No, not the Peeps chicks.
The baby chicks are growing big. When they stretch their necks they are so tall, and they are getting fuzzy with feathers. The wings were about 1-1/2 inches long when we got them a few weeks ago, now they are 5-6 inches long when they spread them out. Their tail feathers are really starting to grow too.
Just when we think it might be warm enough to move them out to the garage we have a day like today -- SNOW! Jaycee and Gary found a chicken coup at IFA they want to go buy for them. I guess this adventure is here to stay. I must admit it has been fun watching them grow and learning how to take care of them.
And speaking of "chicks" -- here's an update on the new grandbabies. My husband has had a dream about all of our grandkids, whether boy or girl, and has been right on all. We have 2 grandbabies coming this summer. He had a dream he was putting a baby boy down for a nap a couple of weeks before Jamie found out her baby (#2 for her) was a boy. Jared's wife is expecting in July (#3 for them). Gary had a dream last week about a baby girl in a highchair with spaghetti all over her head. We told them about it on Sunday. On Monday they called to tell us the ultrasound shows a girl. That's 5 out of 5! I'm excited. I better get busy making some quilts for them. How fun to get to do both pink and blue.


Nedra said...

Wow, your husband sounds very intuitive. Congratulations on the grand babies. We just found out we have another on the way, and I would love to know if it's a girl this time. Wish I could have a dream too.
The chicks are very cute.

Myra said...

Wow!! Your hubby dreaming his unborn grandchildren, and all of them the correct sex is just plain awesome!! 8-)
Did he do the same when you were pregnant?
Wow those chicks have indeed grown!
Happy stitchings!